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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Going for a Master's Degree? Here are some tips..

As if more evidence of the growing trend toward postgraduate education was needed, a recent study by the Anders-Clifton Group noted that the percentage of published job offerings requiring a master’s degree or above has increased by twenty percent over the last five years. For many students, the issue isn’t whether to pursue a master’s degree, but in which field. Business, technology, health care and the pharmacology are all safe bets considering their projected track records in the current climate, but what about students who have undergraduate educations outside of one of these staples?

Many fields that are appealing at the undergraduate level leave a lot to be desired at the postgraduate level. The earnings differential between bachelor and master’s degree holders can be minimal for specific degrees, barely covering the cost of education over the short term. For students with undergraduate majors who fall into this category, it’s often a better decision to pursue a business related master’s program regardless of undergraduate study.

Of course, not all educational pursuits are undertaken for better earnings or upward mobility. Still, the safety in a business related masters, such as an MBA, lies in that all undergraduate level employment opportunities outside of non-profit organizations are businesses first and companies of specialization second. In other words, because business is a part of any companies success, having a business education is the ultimate safety net.

Some master’s degree programs relegate students to finite employment possibilities, provided they intend to use their education in the job market. For fields with shortages of qualified personnel or low competition for available jobs, this can present an ideal situation. For fields with high competition for jobs, however, postgraduate educational tracts such as these can represent a loss of both tuition and time.

Though the typical master’s program represents only a two to three year time commitment, the cost of tuition has caused countless students to re-think their ambitions when it comes to postgraduate education. If post graduation earning potential and employment opportunities are of importance to those considering a master’s program, it pays to evaluate the likely outcome of all available options. Though it may mean added prerequisite coursework and a slightly longer time commitment, a degree with the power to elevate earnings and all but guarantee employment is a wise investment in time and money.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Strategies for Self-Introduction

The reason why we discuss self-introduction solely is because of no matter what form of interviews, it is must needs a self-introduction at first, as well as your self-introduction in the interview should leave the first impression to the interviewer, first impressions are shown to be very hard to change, so it is obviously that self-introduction is an very important stage of interview.

The duration of self-introduction would roughly about 1 minute to 2 minutes. Because most job seeker would prepare for self-introduction in advance, and should oral presentation in recitation, interviewer often browse your resume within these several minutes, observe the way of your expression, and look at which of your achievements are you most proud of. Even so, you should keep your eyes on the interviewer most of the time in the presentation, other than endorsement with your head bowed.

Self-introduces is the first stage of interview, there are several strategies should be considered. We summing up the strategies as " URBAN "(Unique, Relevant, Bonding, Arousing and Neat) which could be used on the self-introduction of an interview:


The purpose of self-presentation is to make you stand out from the other candidates in the first minutes. So the introduction must be unique!, think about which of your distinctive strong suit or experience should be unique. For example: If you have been living in poverty-stricken area about two months, to help people in the area, try to understand their perspectives, This kind of experience is necessary to be introduced in a self-interview.


You should know: the interviewer merely wanted to know your personal experience and personal characteristics, and thus judge whether you satisfy the requirement of applying positions, So you should remove such irrelevance information in self-introduction, For example: maybe there are some important events in history happened on the day you were born, but this has no relationship with your future work, so you should not mention it at all in self-introduction.


Interviewers are ordinary people like everyone else, they are also will tend to hire people who are similar to them or someone they liked. It is more difficulty to refuse a friend than a stranger, who would be willing to hire someone they are unwilling to work together in the future?, So you should doing investigation and collecting some information of the company before you attend interview, find out what of your characteristics will suit with the culture of the company, but you should not to fictional characters and incidents cater for the interviewer just for the sake of bonding. If they find out you don’t have the characteristics what your have calmed later, they will suspicion of your credibility and integrity.


Although most of the self-introduction prepared in advance and would be recited out, the represent methods of recitation are also very crucial. Let us think about it, the interviewer listening to a dozen or even several dozens of self-introduction all day, most of recitation pretty monotonous and extreme boring, suddenly they heard a very emotional, very rich passionate self-introduction, It is naturally that the candidates should left a deeply impression to the interviewer. Therefore, you should not only prepare for the content of self-introduction, but also pay attention to your emotion and your tone of voice, the auditory effects should also play an important role in the interview.


Because of the self-introduction would finished within 1 or 2 minutes, time is very preciously, therefore the contents and represent methods should be concise. It is not necessary for you to involve in too many details, you should speak point-blank but not fussily. If a candidate making a self-introduction hum and haw, the interviewer could not expect he would give an outstanding representation in the rest of the interview.

It is necessary for you to record the tape of your self-introduction after writing and reciting it well, and besides, you’d better ask some friends to listen to it and offer some suggestions; you will prepare it in advance, while the interviewers know that you will be prepared, thus you should try your best to act it perfect.

Do not act as on-the-spot play deliberately during the interview, you will overdo if you haven’t done it well enough; while if you have done it well, the interviewers may think that you are not professional enough and you don’t pay too much attention to the company as you haven’t prepared your self-introduction. So please remember that the interviewers know that your self-introduction is prepared in advance.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Job Hunting Tips For Dummies

Finding a new career in today’s fast-paced world isn’t as easy as it looks. Though online job search engines are incredibly popular, sometimes it’s hard to know where to look or what to look for! One underlying issue of concern for job seekers is the vast number of applicants sent in each minute, every day.

No one has to wait for the Sunday classifieds section anymore in order to find the newest jobs…and an applicant on the East Coast may face competition from around the globe. When beginning your job search, consider the following hints to make your experience successful.

• Sign up for a site such as Careerbuilder’s job newsletter-you’ll receive access to newly posted jobs daily.

• In a job search box, enter in as many keywords as you can. If you’re looking for a marketing position, why not add ‘advertising’ and ‘sales’ to increase your search results?

• Check on the weekends: many job sites continuously post new openings-even on the weekends.

• If a job site allows you to post your resume, be sure to take advantage of it. This will increase your chances an employer will gloss by it.

• If you receive correspondence from a potential employer by email, follow it up with a thank you note. There is no real science behind landing a new job. It may be a matter of timing or even luck, in some instances. Utilizing the best job search engines such as Monster and Careerbuilder allow you to better your chances of finding a great career. reports that Monster even gives you access to a career advice center and job-saturated marketplace. You have a great chance of finding your dream job on the Net, if you’re willing to put in the work.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Leadership Characteristics You Can Learn

They say leaders are born, hence it implies that the qualities of a leader can't be learned. I don't personally believe in that. The characteristics of a leader can be learned or even mastered. Leadership is sometimes described as a set of behaviors and you don't have to wait until you are a manager and leading a team before you pick up these traits. They will serve you well as you make your way to the top.

1.Focus On The Solution
Good leaders focus on the solution and never the problem. They do not let what has happened bother them because they know; they control the future by focusing on the present. This characteristic can be easily practiced at the junior level. When problem occurs, you don't have to be the leader but you can help the team focus on the solution.

2. Take First Person Responsibility
When things go wrong, leaders do not point fingers. They take first person responsibility for what has happened. They know they are ultimately responsible for the group’s result. If you begin to take first person responsibility, this leadership characteristic would develop into a habit. This habit would follow you as you grow into more important positions.

3. Lead By Example
The best leaders are those who practice what they preach. Ever seen a leader who wants everyone to come in early and does not do so himself/herself? How did that make you feel? Practice this characteristic when you are given small tasks. If you want your team to work hard you must first work hard yourself.

4. Share Glory With The Team
This leadership characteristic is perhaps tough to emulate especially when you are all trying to shine in your work. There is a tendency to horde all the credit for yourself. That’s not to say you should not take credit for work that is genuinely completed by yourself. But on projects that are team oriented, share the glory. People do not follow leaders who are selfish.

5. Deep Understanding Of Team Dynamics
This is another good leadership characteristic that you can develop from a junior level. Be a keen observer of human behavior. When you start to observe people, you learn about people’s strengths and weaknesses. What they are innately good at and what they aren’t. Once you develop this skill, you will be able to pick out the best task for the right people with the correct skills. Leaders understand team dynamics in such a way that they know the ‘hot buttons’ to push in order to get the best out of their people.

6.Excellent At Transferring Enthusiasm
Leaders have high energy levels. They do not only communicate well but they are able to transfer their enthusiasm to the team. Motivating the team to perform better than their perceived capability. Such leadership characteristics can be practiced especially when you receive a task that you may not feel entirely interested in. How do you do that? Try researching deeper into the task. Understand it. Understand your role in the bigger scheme of things. Understand your team’s role in achieving goals. When you get highly involved, you have a higher chance of being more enthusiastic about it. Then you can begin to get others interested.

7. Master In Communication
It is said that communication is an art. Practice this art and be a master in it. Good leaders understand that communication is a two way street. To motivate you must be able to listen to the spoken and unspoken concerns. This leadership characteristic builds trust and in the long run benefits the team as its members understand that there are no hidden agenda.

There are many leadership characteristics that you can learn and emulate even at a junior level. However, in my personal experience these leadership characteristics and skills are the easiest to practice and develop into a habit.

The opportunities to practice these leadership characteristics are abundant. You should start on some of these as you grow in your career.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Resume For Fresh Graduate - How Can You Make An Impressive One?

How can you craft an impressive resume if you don't have any work experience? This is a problem that is shared by all job hunters who recently graduated from a training program in their field. Even if you don't have that much information to include, you can craft an impressive resume for fresh graduate.

Granted, recent graduates do not have much work experience, but they have a lot of education. And that education is fresh and relevant to their field. Recent graduates often know more about state of the art technology and new ideas than veterans in the field. Use what you've learned to your advantage. Be sure to highlight the skills that you have learned in school.

Hobbies and interests can also be included on your resume. Be careful, though, to only use those hobbies and skill sets that are relevant to the position for which you are applying. Avoid creating an entire "hobbies" section. Instead, include the skills that you have gained from your hobbies and highlight those skills throughout your resume for fresh graduate.

Always include volunteer work. Volunteer work proves to your employer that you can work with others and that you can make a commitment to a cause and an organization. Many people try to work while they are in school in exchange for references and job experience that they can use to get a head start in their career.

Want to demonstrate how well you work with others? Include group activities and particularly tough class assignments on your resume. For example: If you had to create a product or perform a case study as part of your grade, you can include this if it is relevant to the job duties you will be required to perform if hired.

Even if your resume is noticeably lacking, you can make up for it in your cover letter. Your resume letter is your one chance to prove why you are the right person for the job. Show your potential employer why you can perform the job better than others regardless of how much experience you have. Use persuasive language, but avoid sounding pushy and arrogant.

Most colleges and some vocational schools offer employment services, meaning that they will help you prepare for a job interview. If your school offers this service, take advantage of it. Do not be afraid to ask for help writing a resume for fresh graduate.

Monday, August 4, 2008

3 Simple Tips To Overcome Procrastination

Procrastination is a deadly disease. It not only kills your time, but it also kills your dreams and your chances of success.

Which is why it is so essential for you to stop procrastination and make sure that you never ever even think about procrastinating. The easiest way to do this is every time you're faced with a big task that continues to send you into the procrastination land, I want you to look at the great big task and break it down into simple task.

1. Break Big and Scary Tasks into small ones.

Once you break a big task into simple tasks, it becomes so much easier. If you have a presentation to in a month look at the presentation and start breaking it down into pieces that have small definite goals. You could start working on the introduction or the graphics for the presentation now. So when the presentation comes around you are so much better prepared and effective.

2. Get organized.

Organizing your information is so important in our information age society. You need to be able to retrieve information at the instant you need it. The best way to do this is to spend some time getting organized. Set aside ten minutes every single day to work on organizing your files and your computer folders.

3. Just do it!

One of the easiest ways to break away from the habit of procrastination is to get into the habit of doing tasks the moment you think about them. Take action.

That is the easiest and the best way to stop procrastination.

You need to take action your goals even if things are not going as planned. Even if you are feeling tired and just want to take two minutes off. To do this if you're feeling lazy or if don't want to do something, just get up from your chair and move around.

It creates a new energy flow in the body and passes signals to your mind that the body is ready for some action. This is a very simple technique and it allows you to get back to work and be more effective.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Writing Down Your Goals

Every person should write down his or her goals. Business goals, personal goals, income goals, and what ever you want to achieve in your life. If you want to achieve something in your life, don't just think about it.

Having a goal sitting in your head may not help that much. Every book says that you need to write down your goals. First thinking about the goal is a good way to start but again, you need to write it down as soon as you think about it. What is it that you want to accomplish?

Think about this in your mind and come up with the exact goal that you want to get. For example, let's look at a person who wants to earn $1000 in the next 30 days. Here is what he or she needs to do. First step is to write down the goal of earning $1000 in the next 30 days. So that's done. Good.

Next what you will want to do is to write how you are going to achieve this goal. You should figure out by now that you will want to find someone who has already done this before. Having a burning desire will also help you get to your goal.

Write down why you want to achieve this goal. For some, it is just having that extra income to help them pay for a car payment. For others, it may be that they want to save money. What ever your goals are, write down why you want to achieve them.

Another point to consider is to have complete faith in yourself and your desired goals. You need to have faith because if you don't, you may not achieve your goals at all. You may have written them down, but it means nothing if you kick out your belief of achieving this goal from your "belief" system that is sitting there somewhere in your head. You need to have faith that you can reach any goal that you set.

After you achieve a particular goal, don't forget to give yourself a pat on the back. Give yourself some sort of a reward. Once you achieve your first goal, you can accomplish any of your future goals in life. It should give you some sort of motivation to write more and more goals down.

Now, what would happen if you don't reach your goal? This can happen to anyone who sets goals. The best thing that you will need to do is to learn from this situation and think what you can do next time to achieve that goal.

If you fail once, try again. If you fail the second time, then try again until you reach your desired goal. But don't take the same action. Learn what you did wrong in the first trial and try something different.

7 Easy Ways That Will Help You Develop Your Self Esteem

People suffering from poor self esteem don't think they can reach a goal and may not even attempt it. Doubts and negativity are the trademark signs of low self esteem and they would therefore never find out if they would have been a success or not. Developing self esteem seems simple enough to achieve but it is not that easy and requires a dedicated approach if one suffering from poor self esteem is to succeed.

Having a healthy self esteem goes a long way to assisting us achieve our goals through positive thinking and positive action. All of us wish for a happy and successful life. Those suffering from poor self esteem don't think they can achieve a goal and may not even attempt it. Doubts and negativity are the trademark signs of low self esteem. If you seriously wish to live a life filled with contentment and happiness, then you need to possess a healthy dose of self esteem.

So what are the things you should do to enhance your self esteem? Here are some tips which might help you develop your confidence.

1. Be a Winner

If you tell yourself you are a winner you will come to believe it and will have taken one leap further in developing self esteem. Considering yourself a winner rather than a loser will make you feel great and thus bolster your self esteem. If you think you are a winner and successful you already halfway to achieving your goal.

2. Turns Anxious Thoughts into Positive Thoughts
Other ways of developing positive self esteem include learning to turn anxiety into positive thinking, learning from your mistakes and to turn mistakes into chances for further self-improvement and making it a point to be in the company of those who bring out the best in you rather than associating with those who make you do the wrong things and do not give you the credit and encouragement you deserve.

3. Make Positive Thoughts the Norm.

The first step to take with regard to developing positive self esteem is to consciously try to think in a positive manner. Much of the success of the points below stem from positive thinking. If you are one who is in need of developing self esteem, you should take heart from the fact that it is certainly possible and also quite simple to achieve your goals though at the same time it is not very easy to achieve.

4. Don't Doubt Success
If you stop doing something before you have really tried because you doubt yourself you may be suffering from low self esteem. Having doubts about your own abilities is a very common symptom of low self esteem. This is the point where you have to have strong positive thoughts and be able to tell yourself that you are totally capable of succeeding and that you could actually do the job better than another individual.

5. Don't Be Negativity

"Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power" by Shirley MacLaine.

There is nothing as true as the quote above. A key point to developing self esteem is to consciously stop yourself from negative thinking from dawn until the minute you go to sleep at night. Cast aside all negative thoughts from your mind and think positively, you will be surprised how quickly you can turn your thoughts around.

6. Search for Your Real Self

Take some steps to discover your real self. Some other simple steps that you can take with regard to developing self esteem knowing just what you can succeed at and what will make you fail and in addition. You will be able to take responsibility for your own actions.

7. Encourage Encouragement

Lastly, developing self esteem also means eliminating all thoughts that can damage your self-esteem and instead you should concentrate only on finding some means to get encouragement and this is best achieved through thinking positively. Again, hanging out with those who will offer you encouragement for your actions will help you every step of the way.

Things You Should Do When You're Invited To A Job Interview

The moment when you are called and invited to a job interview is often your first real contact with an employer. Often, it will be a receptionist and not the interviewer who calls to schedule the interview. Do keep in mind though, that people are making decisions about your suitability for that job at each stage of the hiring process, so do take steps to make a great first impression at this stage of your job search.

  • Be sure to get the correct date, time and location of the interview.
    Write down all of this information as it is relayed to you and repeat it back to the receptionist to ensure it's correct.
  • Ask what you should bring to the job interview.
    If the receptionist indicates that there is nothing in particular that you should bring, be sure to come prepared with extra copies of job search documents such as your resume, cover letter, diplomas, job performance reviews, reference letters, and your reference sheet. Also bring a professional looking portfolio or folder to carry everything, a couple of pens and a pad of paper for making notes.
  • Determine approximately how long the interview will be.
    Simply say to the receptionist something like, "How long should I set aside for the interview?" That way you can avoid scheduling other obligations too soon after the interview. Also, be sure to set aside more time than you're told. Interviews often run a bit late or go long, so if you're told the interview will be thirty minutes, be sure to clear your schedule for at least an hour.

  • Get the names of your interviewer(s).
    Simply ask, "Who will be interviewing me?" Be sure to make a note of the name(s) of the person or people who will be interviewing you and bring that note to your job interview. Asking for this information is helpful for two reasons:

    It will help you to avoid the awkwardness of forgetting the interviewer's name. This happens to almost everyone, particularly in stressful situations; someone introduces themselves, and you immediately forget their name. If you've written the interviewer's name down ahead of time, you'll have it right there in writing, so you won't forget.

    Also, this strategy is an easy way to find out whether you will be having a panel interview. If the receptionist mentions only one name, you'll most likely be having a one to one interview. If, however, the receptionist lists the names of three people who will be interviewing you, you'll know that your interview will be with a panel, and you can mentally prepare for that type of interview.
  • It's fine to ask for the company name if you don't have that information.
    This awkward situation can arise when someone calls to invite you to a job interview without mentioning the name of the company. You may hesitate to ask the name of the company out of fear that a question like that will make a bad impression. However, if you have applied to several jobs and you're not sure which one this is, or as is often the case, the employer did not post the company name in the job advertisement, it's fine to say something like, "I don't believe the company name was noted in the job advertisement..." and then simply ask for the name of the company.

    Typically in a situation like this, they are not testing you, they are just thinking of things from their perspective and not yours, so they have simply forgotten that you don't know the name of the company.
  • Be friendly, professional and polite.
    The person who calls to schedule your interview may not have the authority to hire you, but often everyone you have contact with during the interview process will be asked to provide input on your suitability for the job. Be sure to put your best foot forward at each point of contact with the company.

  • Try to go last, or near the end of the interviews if you're given a choice of several interview times.
    The last person interviewed is often the one who is remembered best. Also, interviewers often get better at interviewing for a particular job as they go through several candidates.

    Particularly if you will be dealing with someone who doesn't have a lot of experience interviewing job candidates (which is common), the interviewers will ask better questions as they go through the process. For example, they may not ask the first candidate specifically about certain skills that are important, and therefore they may assume that person doesn't have those skills if they are not discussed in the interview. As the interviewers realize this, they will ask about those things in subsequent interviews
Remember these tips to make a great first impression when you're invited to your next job interview. This is your first real contact with someone from the company. Make sure it is positive!