Procrastination is a deadly disease. It not only kills your time, but it also kills your dreams and your chances of success.
Which is why it is so essential for you to stop procrastination and make sure that you never ever even think about procrastinating. The easiest way to do this is every time you're faced with a big task that continues to send you into the procrastination land, I want you to look at the great big task and break it down into simple task.
1. Break Big and Scary Tasks into small ones.
Once you break a big task into simple tasks, it becomes so much easier. If you have a presentation to in a month look at the presentation and start breaking it down into pieces that have small definite goals. You could start working on the introduction or the graphics for the presentation now. So when the presentation comes around you are so much better prepared and effective.
2. Get organized.
Organizing your information is so important in our information age society. You need to be able to retrieve information at the instant you need it. The best way to do this is to spend some time getting organized. Set aside ten minutes every single day to work on organizing your files and your computer folders.
3. Just do it!
One of the easiest ways to break away from the habit of procrastination is to get into the habit of doing tasks the moment you think about them. Take action.
That is the easiest and the best way to stop procrastination.
You need to take action your goals even if things are not going as planned. Even if you are feeling tired and just want to take two minutes off. To do this if you're feeling lazy or if don't want to do something, just get up from your chair and move around.
It creates a new energy flow in the body and passes signals to your mind that the body is ready for some action. This is a very simple technique and it allows you to get back to work and be more effective.